I cannot add any game for free to my library, why?
It looks like you are not using an American Nintendo Switch Account. Unfortunately, this giveaway is for US only.
You don’t own the previous free game/games. Keep in mind that in order to claim the current free game you have to keep up with the chain reaction. In other words – you need to own the previous free game/games.
Sidenote: For those who want to claim other games – Remember, that games are available for free only on selected days (for example – Graviter will be available for 24h for free on December, 6th, 2022 and you need to have the previous game, so Exorder added to your library to be eligible for this owner discount.)
You’ll need to be careful though. If you forget to redeem any of the corresponding free titles, you won’t be eligible for the rest.
The next titles in the lineup will become available free for users who have the previous ones added to their accounts!
(If you miss a game, don’t worry. Just buy the missing games which will go on sale day after the owner discount to complete the chain and this will grant you a possibility to gather the rest of them for free!)
You didn’t add the Pirates: All Aboard code to this account, hence – no owner discount .
For those who missed the game in a free giveaway but want to have other games for free – you can buy the previous games on a sale that starts after the initial 100% 24h discount to complete the collection and rejoin the chain!
Remember that you should claim the games daily on Nintendo eShop.
My code doesn’t work and I am not able to get the free games. What now?
First of all we advise you to claim the game codes via the Nintendo Switch console. While claiming the game through the Nintendo Switch eShop website you may encounter some issues – that’s why we highly recommend the first option.
Please be aware that Pirates: All Aboard are available only in the American region and it’s not possible to claim the game for a different region.
Keep in mind that one e-mail address is eligible to claim only one game code. It means that you cannot get more than one code for the same game title.
I didn’t receive an email with my code for the free game. What should I do?
Please be patient and wait couple of hours. Sometimes the e-mail can get a little lost on its way, but eventually it will get to you.
Check spam folders – we automated the process, so this email might end up in a spam/offers folder.
Write to us directly, but after checking out previous points. Write to: giveaway@nogravitygames.com with the screenshot confirming the subscription – we’ll try to do our best to assist you.
I missed the previous game in the chain and I cannot claim the current one. What should I do?
We are very sorry that you missed the previous game! To make things easier, all of the previous games are discounted so there is always a way to keep up with the game chain and claim everything you want! Remember that in order to claim the current game, you have you own all of the previous free games.
Each game will be available for 24h for you to claim it.
If you don’t want to miss our reminders, follow our socials:
What time do the games change?
The games change daily from 5th to 16th December at 0:00 GMT-5 / 9:00 AM CET.
Keep in mind that we are not able to extend the time of the promotional period caused by issues with the Nintendo eShop.
The Nintendo Switch eShop is not working and I cannot claim the game. What should I do now?
Unfortunately situations like that may happen due to heavy traffic on the website etc. We do not own Nintendo Switch eShop and either way we are not responsible for any problems with it. Please be patient – the owners of the website are certainly aware of the issues and are doing their best to fix it as soon as possible.
I changed my region to US from another region with my No Gravity Games titles already in the library, but I can’t redeem the game because there is no discount – why?
Unfortunately, we are unable to help you with this matter as this is not a particular problem with our event, rather than how the whole platform infrastructure works in terms of products etc. The case is that since you have the EU code attached for the game, even if you change regions it’ll not work (because you don’t have the US version of the game, just the EU one, and the system don’t want you to mistakenly buy another copy if you have one already attached to your account, no matter the region), and since you already had it – you are not able to purchase it once more.
That’s why the next games in the lineup are not discounted for you – The system doesn’t recognize EU games on switched regions as a valid product for the Owner Discount, hence you are unable to get it.
Be aware that we do not recommend changing the region of your account in order to claim the free games. If you decide to do that, you do that at your own risk and agree to all the consequences it may have.
Due to the repetitive pattern of receiving multiple requests from the same e-mail accounts, we decided to restrain from sending the game codes to users with Russian and Chinese IPs. We are sorry for any inconvenience on that matter.
This giveaway event concerns Nintendo Switch accounts in North America (USA/CAN/MEX) only.